What happens at the appointment?

Your first appointment will be around an hour, and will start with me asking about why you’re seeing me, your general health, and your medical history, as it can all affect your treatment.

I will need to examine you, and so I might ask you to take off your outer layers. Leggings, cycling shorts and bra tops are ideal for this. By using my hands and watching you move I will be able to tell you what is likely to be causing the problem, and a plan for how I might be able to treat you. Sometimes I might need to refer you to your GP, or another healthcare specialist.

If you’re happy with the treatment plan, I will use a combination of hands-on techniques, and give you exercises and advice that will help your recovery. Sometimes you might be a little sore for 24-48 hours afterwards, but this is normal.

Daventry, September 2020

Some problems can be treated in one session, but often I need to see you again so I can monitor your progress and build on the improvements. Second and subsequent appointments are shorter, typically half an hour plus set-up time.

All appointments cost £55. If you’re in or around Daventry, I charge an additional £25 for travel; if it’s around Southam, Crick, Northampton or Towcester it’s £30.

I bring a portable couch with me so I need somewhere to set it up - it’s long but quite narrow, and usually people have space in their living room or kitchen. I also bring a card machine and can email you a receipt, although cash payments are fine and I can give you a receipt for that too. Please could you provide a towel, a couple of pillows or cushions, and somewhere to wash my hands. Also, please make sure any family pets are safely out of the way - I love animals, but sometimes they don’t like seeing their owners being treated by a strange person!

“Elizabeth was great with my son when he had a painful knee. She was very knowledgeable and spent time explaining what she was doing to make him feel comfortable” 

- Fiona J.